New Chinese Trailer of The Force Awakens reveals new spoilers and dialogue

New Chinese Trailer of The Force Awakens reveals new spoilers and dialogue

New Chinese Trailer of The Force Awakens reveals new spoilers and dialogue

Some interesting information reveals new scenes and new dialogue! (See below for the video).

Here’s an overview:

  • After BB-8 tells Rey that where he comes from is classified she then says to him “Me to.”
  • Finn telling Rey that they can’t outrun the Tie Fighters but Rey says they might be able to outrun them.
  • While Finn and Rey where running from the Tie Fighters Finn tells Rey that they need a pilot, Rey tells him that they’ve got one.
  • Han tells the Falcon to not let him down.
  • The Knights of Ren are gathering together.
  • People screaming and running from the Stormtroopers as Kylo Ren arrives.
  • Kylo Ren saying “I will show them the Darkness.”
  • The Falcon and all the X-Wing fighters going to a strange new planet.
  • Kylo Ren assures that he and the First Order will crush the Rebellion once and for all.
  • A Stormtrooper carrier ship arrives in the hanger of one of the new Star Destroyer.
  • In the Flacon Rey tells Finn to get ready and Finn asks “For what?”
  • The Falcon crash lands on a snow covered planet which might be the Starkiller base.
  • Finn’s lightsaber blade and Kylo Ren’s lightsaber blade finally touch.

Here is the new Force Awakens Chinese trailer:

Star Wars The Force Awakens reveals New Emperor-like character?

Star Wars The Force Awakens reveals New Emperor-like character?

Star Wars The Force Awakens reveals New Emperor-like character?

A new dark side character will be revealed in the movie—Commander Snoke. According to a report on, almost nothing is known about this dark side character other than he’s extremely powerful, leader of The Kights of Ren and played a key role in seducing Kylo Ren to the dark side of the force.

Some have speculated that he’s Darth Plagueis (Darth Sidious’s old master) reincarnated.

In the film he’s played by Andy Serkis, famous for his role as Golem in the Lord of The Rings series. Commander Snoke is expected to be almost 7ft tall!

Perhaps Snoke is the physical and metaphorical opposite to Jedi Master Yoda.

Here is a split photo of Andy Serkis and Snoke:


Force Awakens fan-made films round up

Force Awakens fan-made films round up

Force Awakens fan-made films round up

Star Wars fans renowned for their amazing film making skills here’s a round up of Star Wars Fan made films.

1. The Modern Lightsaber Battle. The video reminds me of the Phineas and Ferb Star Wars episode where both brothers where fighting each other with modified Lightsabers.

2. The Boba Fett anthology movie. This teaser trailer is cool because it shows that Boba Fett is alive but this begs the question: Is there going to be an anthology movie of Boba Fett or not? I did a recent blog post of this Boba Fett teaser trailer.

3. Star Wars: The Force Awakens Fan Film. This fan-made trailer could shed a bit of light on whether Finn is going to survive the lightsaber duel against Kylo Ren.

Are Kylo Ren and Rey twins?

Are Kylo Ren and Rey twins?

Are Kylo Ren and Rey twins?

After watching this fan-made mashup of all the Force Awakens trailers (who is so cool, you have to check it out), it occurred to me that the big surprise of the Force Awakens is this…

Are Kylo Ren and Rey twins, the children of Leia and Han?

Here are the clues:

1. In the Star Wars book The Last Command (sanctioned by George Lucus), we know that Leia and Han have twins. Is history repeating itself? Were they separated at birth? In one scene, Rey tells BB-8 she is “waiting for her family.” (Ok, in the book the twins were named Jacen and Jaina Solo and were trained by Luke to become Jedi of the New Republic, but still.)

2. On the poster Rey and Kylo Ren appear side by side. As if they are different sides of the Force.


3. In this scene Kylo Ren could have killed Rey, but he doesn’t. So is the conversation between the two is something like this: “I am your brother?” Like the scene in episode 5 where Vader reveals to Luke that he’s his Father!

Kylo Ren and Rey


4. Is Luke mentoring Kylo Ren when he talks about the force being strong in his family? This is similar to the way in the Star Wars book, The New Rebellion, when Luke figured out that a boy named Brakiss was an Imperial spy. He tried to turn him to the Light side, though Brakiss refused, ran away, and started the Shadow Academy for Dark Jedi.

5. Who else would have the remains of Darth Vader’s helmet but someone in Luke’s family? Like Luke’s nephew and/or son, Kylo Ren?


What do you think?

Roundup: the best The Force Awakens clips, teasers, and interviews

Roundup: the best The Force Awakens clips, teasers, and interviews

Roundup: the best The Force Awakens clips, teasers, and interviews

As the promotion for the movie heats up, here’s a round up of clips, teasers, and interviews of the Force Awakens.

Harrison Ford was hysterical on the Tonight Show when trying to demonstrate how he got injured during the filming.


Adam Driver talks about Kylo Ren as much as he can on the Tonight Show.


John Boyega’s and Daisy Ridley’s funny reactions to the trailer of The Force Awakens.


John Boyega and Daisy Ridley on Good Morning America talking about The Force Awakens movie.


New TV Spot that aired on Sports Center reveals a brand new scene from The Force Awakens.


Jeep uses the hype surrounding The Force Awakens to promote a new 2015 Model Renegade Jeep in collaboration with Lucasfilm.


Carrie Fisher talks about The Force Awakens on “Live! with Kelly and Michael” show.


Actor Mark Hamill goes undercover as a First Order Stormtrooper and spreads the word of the The Force Awakens on Hollywood Boulevard.

It's been confirmed! R2-KT will be in The Force Awakens!

It's been confirmed! R2-KT will be in The Force Awakens!

It’s been confirmed! R2-KT will be in The Force Awakens! reports that the pink astromech droid known as R2-KT who served in the Clones Wars and the Empire, is officially going to be in The Force Awakens serving the Rebellion.

For those of you who don’t know about this R2 unit or why it’s called R2-KT, this story from explains why:

The story begins with Katie Johnson, the daughter of 501st Legion founder Albin Johnson. Katie was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 6. In a show of support for the brave little girl, the R2 Builder’s Group created an R2-D2 unit to watch over her. However, mid-development, they decided to take it a step further and repaint the droid pink and name it after Katie, and thus R2-KT was born. Katie loved the droid, and she later passed away in peace; to this day, the droid is still around and continues to inspire young Star Wars fans suffering from serious illnesses.

Here is a photo of R2-KT and the girl who inspired the droids name:


I’d say this is so exciting that this droid from the Star Wars The Clone Wars animated series is gong to appear in The Force Awakens live and in person along with C-3PO, R2-D2, and BB-8!