New Chinese Trailer of The Force Awakens reveals new spoilers and dialogue

New Chinese Trailer of The Force Awakens reveals new spoilers and dialogue

New Chinese Trailer of The Force Awakens reveals new spoilers and dialogue

Some interesting information reveals new scenes and new dialogue! (See below for the video).

Here’s an overview:

  • After BB-8 tells Rey that where he comes from is classified she then says to him “Me to.”
  • Finn telling Rey that they can’t outrun the Tie Fighters but Rey says they might be able to outrun them.
  • While Finn and Rey where running from the Tie Fighters Finn tells Rey that they need a pilot, Rey tells him that they’ve got one.
  • Han tells the Falcon to not let him down.
  • The Knights of Ren are gathering together.
  • People screaming and running from the Stormtroopers as Kylo Ren arrives.
  • Kylo Ren saying “I will show them the Darkness.”
  • The Falcon and all the X-Wing fighters going to a strange new planet.
  • Kylo Ren assures that he and the First Order will crush the Rebellion once and for all.
  • A Stormtrooper carrier ship arrives in the hanger of one of the new Star Destroyer.
  • In the Flacon Rey tells Finn to get ready and Finn asks “For what?”
  • The Falcon crash lands on a snow covered planet which might be the Starkiller base.
  • Finn’s lightsaber blade and Kylo Ren’s lightsaber blade finally touch.

Here is the new Force Awakens Chinese trailer:

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