Star Wars Costume Spotlight: Princess Leia

Star Wars Costume Spotlight: Princess Leia

Star Wars Costume Spotlight: Princess Leia

Padme’s costumes are incredibly elaborate, as you saw in our earlier post on the queens. Princess Leia, on the other hand, is simplicity personified.

In Episode IV: A New Hope, through out the whole movie, Leia was seen wearing the very same white gown. Compared this to Padme’s numerous costume changes and the elaborate designs of most of her gowns!

Here’s a concept sketch of Leia’s white gown from A New Hope:

White Dress Concept Art


Here’s the full white gown:

Full White Dress

In this close up of the belt of the dress, it shows that there’s what appears to be some kind of glue stain next to one of the aluminum plates. This indicates outfit was well used!

Close Up of White Dress


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