New Force Awakens TV spot shows a new feature of BB-8

New Force Awakens TV spot shows a new feature of BB-8

New Force Awakens TV spot shows a new feature of BB-8 reports that a new TV spot for The Force Awakens showed BB-8 with a new feature. This feature he used is called a tri-cable. In the trailer BB-8 used it to catch himself while the Falcon was spinning around trying to avoid getting hit by Imperial Tie Fighters.

Here is the new TV spot:


Here are photos of BB-8 using the tri-cable:

BB-8 using tri-cable 1

BB-8 using tri-cable 4

BB-8 using tri-cable 3

BB-8 using tri-cable 2


Up to now this feature is something that we didn’t know BB-8 had.

EXCLUSIVE: New Phasma voice sample surfaces in updated BB-8 toy app

EXCLUSIVE: New Phasma voice sample surfaces in updated BB-8 toy app

EXCLUSIVE: New Phasma voice sample surfaces in updated BB-8 toy app

BB-8 toy maker Sphero has just updated the toy’s app with new holographic messages in the message mode, that includes this voice sample from Captain Phasma:

Up till now we have heard Phasma’s voice from the Captain Phasma voice changing mask that I previously blogged about.

There are three other new messages on the message mode, including this one from our old droid friend C-3PO:

Why is R2-D2 a genius? Perhaps the location of where to find the missing Jedi Knight, Luke Skywalker? Interesting clues!

Dying Star Wars fan gets to see The Force Awakens movie early

Dying Star Wars fan gets to see The Force Awakens movie early

Dying Star Wars fan gets to see The Force Awakens movie early

Here at, we’ve been impressed with J.J. Abrams (director of The Force Awakens) for a long time. But this story just cemented him in our estimation as one of the greatest guys of all time:

“An early cut of Star Wars: The Force Awakens” was screened for a Texas man suffering from terminal cancer Thursday after his wish to see the latest chapter in the epic series went viral.” (

After Daniel Fleetwood’s heartbreaking story went viral, even Luke (Mark Hamill) got on board with his support for showing the movie early. All the support moved J.J. Abrams to screen the unedited movie (you’re still working on the edits?) for Fleetwood. Thanks J.J.-that’s really cool!

Is Boba Fett a member of the Knights of Ren?

Is Boba Fett a member of the Knights of Ren?

Is Boba Fett a member of the Knights of Ren?

After the release of the third trailer for the Force Awakens, suggests that one of the members of the Knights of Ren is the deceased bounty hunter Boba Fett (Jango Fett’s son). This means that Boba Fett is alive and well, even though the last we saw of him was when he fell into the pit and was eaten up by the Sarlacc in The Return of the Jedi.

Other clues that tie into Boba Fett’s involvement in The Force Awakens is the Mandalorian symbols on his armer. This is because in a scene with Han, Finn, Rey, and BB-8 there were Flags hung over the Maz Kanata’s castle that show not just Boba’s symbols but symbols from other Mandalorians as well.

Here is a cropped out photo of Boba Fett as a member of the Knights of Ren:


From looking at the photo above, it shows a few more clues that Boba Fett is involved. The first clue is his helmet and the second clue is the blaster because it looks similar to the one that was cut in half by Luke’s Lightsaber.

The new Force Awakens trailer is finally here!

The new Force Awakens trailer is finally here!

The new Force Awakens trailer is finally here! and several other sites (,, and report that the new trailer for The Force Awakens is finally here! When I watched the trailer I saw some masked figures with Kylo Ren, I believe that those are the other Knights of Ren.

Some questions that I had after watching the trailer were:

  • How did Kylo Ren find Vader’s helmet when it was supposed to be destroyed?
  • What is the new super weapon that the Empire is creating?
  • Can Finn survive this Lightsaber duel against Kylo Ren?
  • Where in the world is Luke Skywalker?

Here is the new trailer of The Force Awakens:

Here is a picture of Kylo Ren and the Knights of Ren:
