Biographic info on the new Stormtrooper toy

Biographic info on the new Stormtrooper toy

Biographic info on the new Stormtrooper toy

Great news! site recently posted some biographic information of the new Stormtrooper toy from the Force Awakens.

Black series Stormtrooper toy:

Black series stormtrooper toy


On the side of the package of this new Stormtrooper toy is some biographic information that reveals the time and placement of the new Force Awakens First Order Stormtrooper.

Spoiler alert! Don’t read this if you want to be surprised by the movie!

Shock Troopers clad in white armor first appeared on the Galactic Stage during the opening battles of the Clone Wars. Clone Trooper Armor became iconic almost immediately; Its stark white design stood for hope that peace and stability might be restored to a galaxy at war. But this dream of peace died with the Republic, and the Empire that rose to take its place imposed order by any means necessary. Soldiers within The Grand Army of the Republic were given a new name: Stormtroopers. As these former protectors of galactic peace mercilessly crushed resistance across the galaxy, their white armor came to symbolize oppression and indomitable power of the Emperor’s will. Yet the tyranny of Imperial Rule sparked Rebellion, and the Stormtrooper legions were scattered in the aftermath of the Empire’s fall. Now, the rise of the first order ushers in the next chapter in the Stormtrooper’s legacy as a new era of ruthless brutality begins.

This information about the Stormtroopers can explain why a good person like Finn would join up these brutal soldiers of the Empire and then defecting when he sees what the empire is truly about.

I do find these new versions of the Stormtroopers very fascinating because of the way their weapons, armor, and helmets look differently from this last time I have seen them. Plus I believe that the Force Awakens is going to show how the Rebels are going to take back the systems that have been taken over by the Empire and have the old Republic restored again to it’s former glory.

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