The Grim Reaper's guide to The Force Awakens

The Grim Reaper's guide to The Force Awakens

The Grim Reaper’s guide to The Force Awakens

So who might die in The Force Awakens? There is a video that speculates who might not make it though the hole movie.

As a big Star Wars fan I hope that none of the main characters die in the movie because with out them how could they destroy the First Order! But perhaps, similar to episode IV, an important character (like Obi-Wan Kenobi) will die in order to spur on the new characters.

However, from looking at the videos of the different Force Awakens trailers, I would say that this is nonsense that Han and Chewie might die. In one of the trailers Rey was scene crying over a body of someone unknown; there is speculation that it was Chewie.

Here is the video:


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