Secret Cinema brings Star Wars into real life

Secret Cinema brings Star Wars into real life

Secret Cinema brings Star Wars into real life

Recently, posted up that Secret Cinema has created a mirror universe event of the Star Wars movie The Empire Strikes Back in England. Secret Cinema is a “events company that specializes in creating Live Cinema experiences by combining film screenings of movie films with interactive performances in purpose-built sets.”

Here are some pictures of the event:

Streets of Tatoine


Talking to Jawas

Star destroyer

Music band Cantina

Although Secret Cinema is a bit different from theme parks, it’s so cool of how you can take photos of yourself with the characters, see reenactments of the scenes from the movie live with cool explosions and neat sound effects, and participating in the event by dressing up in a costume and staying in character as events play out.

For more on the article see here.

Plus Secret Cinema did also do an event from the movie Back To The Future last year, by constructing a perfect model of the town of Hill Vally California. See video here:

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