New Force Awakens TV spot shows a new feature of BB-8

New Force Awakens TV spot shows a new feature of BB-8

New Force Awakens TV spot shows a new feature of BB-8 reports that a new TV spot for The Force Awakens showed BB-8 with a new feature. This feature he used is called a tri-cable. In the trailer BB-8 used it to catch himself while the Falcon was spinning around trying to avoid getting hit by Imperial Tie Fighters.

Here is the new TV spot:


Here are photos of BB-8 using the tri-cable:

BB-8 using tri-cable 1

BB-8 using tri-cable 4

BB-8 using tri-cable 3

BB-8 using tri-cable 2


Up to now this feature is something that we didn’t know BB-8 had.

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