Meet the new Villains for The Force Awakens

Meet the new Villains for The Force Awakens

Meet the new Villains for The Force Awakens

Thanks to Comic0-Con, we now know who the villains are in the Force Awakens., has good overview. Drum roll . . .here they are!

Force Awakens villains


The first villain is Kylo Ren the new adversary of the Jedi:


Though there is little that we know about him, we know that he is the new Sith Lord, dressed in black, wear’s a mask on his face (although his face has already been shown in a magazine article), and that he wields a red cross-guard lightsaber which was already featured in the first trailer for The Force Awakens.

The second villain is Captain Phasma the first new female silver Stormtrooper, the new leader of the new improved elite Stormtrooper squad, and works directly under General Hux:

Captain Phasma

Though there is very little we know about her, there is some online speculation that she is the pilot of the chrome and red tie fighter that crash-landed in the desert of the planet Jakku. The give away could be that the color scheme of Phasma’s tie fighter is similar to the armor she wears. The color schemes of the other tie fighters are chrome and white. For more discussion, see the complete article from here.

Third, we have General Hux. He’s a fairly young character and there has been some speculation he is related somehow to Luke. It’s a bit confusing, but has some analysis here.

General Hux

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