Dying Star Wars fan gets to see The Force Awakens movie early

Dying Star Wars fan gets to see The Force Awakens movie early

Dying Star Wars fan gets to see The Force Awakens movie early

Here at TheForceAwakensToys.com, we’ve been impressed with J.J. Abrams (director of The Force Awakens) for a long time. But this story just cemented him in our estimation as one of the greatest guys of all time:

“An early cut of Star Wars: The Force Awakens” was screened for a Texas man suffering from terminal cancer Thursday after his wish to see the latest chapter in the epic series went viral.” (FoxNews.com)

After Daniel Fleetwood’s heartbreaking story went viral, even Luke (Mark Hamill) got on board with his support for showing the movie early. All the support moved J.J. Abrams to screen the unedited movie (you’re still working on the edits?) for Fleetwood. Thanks J.J.-that’s really cool!

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