by Ben | Jul 23, 2015 | Movie News!
Could there really be an Obi-Wan Kenobi spin-off, yesterday reported on the speculation of a possible spin-off movie of Obi-Wan Kenobi.
So what would this movie entail? Here’s my wish list:
1. What was Obi-Wan’s past life like before he became a Jedi?
2. When was he recruited by the Jedi order?
3. When did he start his Jedi training?
4. When was his first lightsaber duel?
5. How did Obi-Wan became Qui-Gon’s apprentice?
6. What was his adventures like before the Phantom Menace?
7. Where did he get his first lightsaber crystal?
8. What parts did he use to make his first lightsaber?
9. What new parts did he use to make his second lightsaber during the clone wars?
10. What did he do on the planet Tatooine while watching over Luke?
What do you think?
by Ben | Jul 23, 2015 | Movie News!
Secret Cinema brings Star Wars into real life
Recently, posted up that Secret Cinema has created a mirror universe event of the Star Wars movie The Empire Strikes Back in England. Secret Cinema is a “events company that specializes in creating Live Cinema experiences by combining film screenings of movie films with interactive performances in purpose-built sets.”
Here are some pictures of the event:
Although Secret Cinema is a bit different from theme parks, it’s so cool of how you can take photos of yourself with the characters, see reenactments of the scenes from the movie live with cool explosions and neat sound effects, and participating in the event by dressing up in a costume and staying in character as events play out.
For more on the article see here.
Plus Secret Cinema did also do an event from the movie Back To The Future last year, by constructing a perfect model of the town of Hill Vally California. See video here:
by Ben | Jul 22, 2015 | Movie News!
New Footage for Star Wars 7 to be released at D23 Expo August 14th-16th
The website Hypable today reports that new footage of Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be shown at Disney’s D23 Expo August 14th-16th.
D23 is Disney’s official fan club expo. They show footage of upcoming projects and give updates on what new movies are coming out.
Here is a picture of the D23 Expo logo:
by Ben | Jul 21, 2015 | Movie News!
New photo shows Finn and Chewie together
The actor who plays Chewbacca posted a photo of Finn and Chewie on his Twitter account.
See above photo.
As discussed previously Finn is a rogue Stormtrooper who connects with Rey, Han, and Chewie and they assist in helping him escape the clutches of the new Empire.
by Ben | Jul 21, 2015 | Movie News!
Reveal of new X-Wing Pilot from The Force Awakens
Exciting news! Several sites (, and have revealed a new character from the Force Awakens movie: Bullhead, who is a new X-Wing pilot.
First, let’s look at what the X-Wing flighter looks like (see above photo; source.)
Spoiler Alert!
Bullhead is the character’s species and here is a photo from the movie set (source: StarWars7News)
From looking at this picture, I can see that the background of the image matches up with the same rebel base that was shot from the movie set in Greenham Common in England.
Interestingly, photos from this same site show Bullhead with different bodies:
Plus there are some questions pointing to what inspired the Bullhead’s name and the facial design of the face. The online speculation is the Brown bullhead catfish—look at the mouth’s corners, which are similar to the ones of the Bullhead’s face (picture from wikipedia):
by Ben | Jul 17, 2015 | Movie News!
Meet the new Villains for The Force Awakens
Thanks to Comic0-Con, we now know who the villains are in the Force Awakens., has good overview. Drum roll . . .here they are!
The first villain is Kylo Ren the new adversary of the Jedi:
Though there is little that we know about him, we know that he is the new Sith Lord, dressed in black, wear’s a mask on his face (although his face has already been shown in a magazine article), and that he wields a red cross-guard lightsaber which was already featured in the first trailer for The Force Awakens.
The second villain is Captain Phasma the first new female silver Stormtrooper, the new leader of the new improved elite Stormtrooper squad, and works directly under General Hux:
Though there is very little we know about her, there is some online speculation that she is the pilot of the chrome and red tie fighter that crash-landed in the desert of the planet Jakku. The give away could be that the color scheme of Phasma’s tie fighter is similar to the armor she wears. The color schemes of the other tie fighters are chrome and white. For more discussion, see the complete article from here.
Third, we have General Hux. He’s a fairly young character and there has been some speculation he is related somehow to Luke. It’s a bit confusing, but has some analysis here.
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