Are Kylo Ren and Rey twins?

Are Kylo Ren and Rey twins?

Are Kylo Ren and Rey twins?

After watching this fan-made mashup of all the Force Awakens trailers (who is so cool, you have to check it out), it occurred to me that the big surprise of the Force Awakens is this…

Are Kylo Ren and Rey twins, the children of Leia and Han?

Here are the clues:

1. In the Star Wars book The Last Command (sanctioned by George Lucus), we know that Leia and Han have twins. Is history repeating itself? Were they separated at birth? In one scene, Rey tells BB-8 she is “waiting for her family.” (Ok, in the book the twins were named Jacen and Jaina Solo and were trained by Luke to become Jedi of the New Republic, but still.)

2. On the poster Rey and Kylo Ren appear side by side. As if they are different sides of the Force.


3. In this scene Kylo Ren could have killed Rey, but he doesn’t. So is the conversation between the two is something like this: “I am your brother?” Like the scene in episode 5 where Vader reveals to Luke that he’s his Father!

Kylo Ren and Rey


4. Is Luke mentoring Kylo Ren when he talks about the force being strong in his family? This is similar to the way in the Star Wars book, The New Rebellion, when Luke figured out that a boy named Brakiss was an Imperial spy. He tried to turn him to the Light side, though Brakiss refused, ran away, and started the Shadow Academy for Dark Jedi.

5. Who else would have the remains of Darth Vader’s helmet but someone in Luke’s family? Like Luke’s nephew and/or son, Kylo Ren?


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