Cool community for robot builders Cool community for robot builders

At the Dallas Comic Con, I met the great folks of the website. The site is a community for robot builders. focuses on how people around the world use plans to build their very own remote controlled astromech droids. Droids can either be based on the ones from the Star Wars movies, the cartoon series or more futuristic astromech droids that have not been seen in the movies or in the cartoon.

Created by folks around the world, these astromech droids can be R2, R3, R4, R5 units, etc. When creating an astromech droid you can have it look just like R2-D2 or have it look like a kind of droid with a different head, color, name, or differently shaped eye cam—or perhaps a mix of two colors. Here is an example of a fan-built R2 unit I came across at the Dallas Comic Con.

Me next to R2-D2


The Astromech site has different sections like forums (and chat rooms) that talk about building new droids like BB-8, for example, from The Force Awakens.  Other sections on this site include a FAQ, a Gallery (where you can look at images of R2-D2 and all kinds of the other astromech droids from the movies, cartoons, and in real life), a droid wiki page that discusses droid origins, and a Yahoo group that contains blueprints of what droid that you want to build. The droid wiki page does also include a droid registry page that contains two pages of a list of droids, features, location etc.

On a the droid wiki page of how to build R2-D2 there was link that goes to a site called On this site it has everything that you can learn more about Artoo’s information, description, known features, and biography for example. The Astromech site even has a quick style chooser at the bottom of the page which allows you to pick standard styles or mobile styles to change the appearance of the site to what you want it to look like.

All in all, is cool site. Anyone who is interested in building new droids should check it out!

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