Star Wars Costume Spotlight: Handmaidens Dresses

Star Wars Costume Spotlight: Handmaidens Dresses

Star Wars Costume Spotlight: Handmaidens Dresses

Hey Star Wars fans! Continuing my Star Wars costume series, this next group of costumes will be the dresses of Queen Amadala’s handmaidens (and herself)!

Here are the dresses from the different scenes of the Phantom Menace:

This first handmaiden dress was seen during the scenes featuring the planets Naboo, Tatooine (the desert planet), and Coruscant (the capital planet). Though the other handmaidens were seen wearing these dresses, Padme was dressed in one as well while her decoy was dressed in the traditional queen’s dress and makeup.

Handmaiden Costume 1


This dress was seen during the throne room scene on Naboo where Padme was having a meeting with the senators while the Trade Federation were starting the invasion of Naboo.

Handmaiden Costume 2


This dress appeared during a scene that took place on Coruscant where Padme and Palpatine where having a discussion.

Handmaiden Costume 3


Note that this dress appeared during the final scene of the Phantom Menace where they were celebrating when the Trade Federation was defeated and peace was restored to Naboo.

Handmaiden Costume 4


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